Blog, Post_03 - Eng
Blog, Post_03 - Eng
Colombia has the Best Hospitals in Latin America

Colombia Colombia has 23 of the best hospitals in Latin America, according to a study in late 2018 by América Economia that looked at the top 58 hospitals in Latin America. So, 40 percent of the best clinics and hospitals in Latin America are found in Colombia.
Medellín has nine hospitals that are on the list of the top 58 hospitals in Latin America as follows with their Latin American rankings:

  1. Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe (#9)
  2. Hospital Universitario de San Vicente Fundación (#16)
  3. Clínica las Américas (#23)
  4. Hospital General de Medellín (#28)
  5. Clínica Universitaria Bolivariana (#34)
  6. Clínica El Rosario (#43)
  7. Clínica Cardio Vid (#44)
  8. Clínica Medellín (#53)
  9. Clínica Las Vegas (#58)

Also, Bogotá has eight hospitals that are on the list of the top 58 hospitals in Latin America as follows with their Latin American rankings:

  1. Fundación Cardioinfantil (#5)
  2. Clínica Universidad de La Sabana (#25)
  3. Clínica del Occidente (#29)
  4. Méderi (#36)
  5. Clínica Universitaria Colombia – Colsanitas (#38)
  6. Clínica Universitario Infantil de San José (#49)
  7. Clínica los Nogales (#54)
  8. Centro Policlínico del Olaya (#57)

In addition, Cali has two hospitals on the top 58 hospitals list, Pasto has two, Bucaramanga has one and Manizales has one.

We also looked at these top 23 hospitals in Colombia in more detail. The best healthcare in Colombia is found in the largest cities in Colombia.

Health Insurance Options in Colombia
One of the reasons that Colombia has such a highly rated healthcare system is due to a new constitution that Colombia drafted in 1991 that made access to healthcare a basic human right to all citizens of Colombia, as well as foreign residents of Colombia.
There are three types of health insurance available in Colombia:

There are three types of health insurance available in Colombia:

  1. EPS – Entidadas Promotoras de Salud – this is the public health insurance that is mandatory for everybody who is a resident of Colombia. The monthly premium is calculated as 12.5 percent of the monthly gross income that you declare to the EPS.
  2. Prepagada – this is private healthcare insurance in Colombia. The monthly premium for Prepagada varies depending on your age, the plan you choose and any pre-existing conditions.
  3.  SISBEN – this is a free government subsidized healthcare system, which is only for very poor or homeless Colombians.

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    Bogotá, D.C. – Colombia